Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Oh Ba Ma! We've Baracked Him into White House

In response to a question during the campaign debate on Iraq, Barack Obama asked "The Iraqi Government has a treasury surplus of 79 billion USD, why should America spend another 10 billion USD every month to maintain peace and security in the country, during tough times and when it is serving no real purpose? I would instead, put a timetable for withdrawals of our troops from Iraq and reposition them on the Afghanistan-Pakistan Border and go after Osama!". Barack, I have to reiterate, said it with such conviction and power, that Osama watching him on Television from his hideout , might have probably cared enough to give it a thought and think of possible escape routes.
It is this thinking that sets apart Barack from many other mainstream American politicians and it is where, his message for change resonates and connects with every right thinking American and world citizen. Here's a man, who really , well and truly cares about America and who's love for the country comes through not by war mongering speeches or a constant reminder to his citizens about the imaginary 'Axis of Evil' or 'Osama Bin Laden' ,but for his courage and conviction that America's safety lies in countering and smashing the real terrorists who are opposed to America, as opposed to the imaginary ones created everywhere else.
Most mainstream politicians in the United States of America and most of it's 43 Presidents (Democratic or Presidential, barring Clinton, Roosevelt, Carter and Lincoln) have had some connection to Big Business represented by the likes of Chevron Texaco, Monsanto, Pepsi etc and all their government's policies (internal and external) have been about promoting and looking after the interests of Big Business. Their agendas very cleverly merged the interests of Big Business with issues such as terrorism and some of them like George W Bush, used the ignorance of a large section of America's voters to openly promote their causes.
Barack Obama by contrast has no connection to Big Business and he comes with a clear and transparent agenda on how to fix the present economic crisis. His plans are thought out from a common man's point of of view and he has priorities very clearly laid out for his Presidency and America. His vision for America comes out of the greater dream of a fairer and more just America, which the voters embraced today. Barack recognizes like most Americans that dependence on foreign oil should be minimized to the maximum extent possible. It is his approach in dealing with this issue that sets him apart. Barack advocates the need to explore other forms of alternative energy such as solar, wind, ocean biofuels etc, while the Republican Candidate John McCain's options were to drill oil from offshore wells and explore Nuclear Energy which already serves (22% of America's Energy Needs). Though I must compliment McCain that he furiously discounted the option of drilling for oil in Alaska's Arctic Landscape , it wasn't effective enough to counter a much more powerful and evocative response from Barack.
While plaudits pour in from all over as the world hails America for electing it's first 'Black' or 'African American President', the element of race and ethnicity injected into the epithets for Barack, are not in the best of taste. He won singularly because of his powerful agenda, backed by brilliant oratorical skills and a superbly managed and funded campaign. Today is the victory of the True American Ethos that was defined hundreds of years ago as "Liberty, Life , Equality and Pursuit of Happiness". The world is belittling that win by adding terms like Black and African American. Barack is as American as it gets and he represents the new and changing America!
In the course of four years, History may be made, but for now, let America Rejoice for "Baracking" Obama into the White House!
PS: I have now changed the context in which the word "Barack" is used. Today people said they "Baracked" their votes and Barack means blessing. I am using it in a different context.


Blogger Indianblogger said...

Firstly I am glad you have started writing after a long hiatus. Welcome back on board. About Obama, we'll he's charmed everyone...

1:27 AM  

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